How to add your Instagram feed to Squarespace

Instagram is a fantastic way to connect with your audience and promote your business. There are roughly 2 billion users on Instagram, so your target audience is likely there! And while many businesses direct people who find them on Instagram to their website, there are benefits to directing website visitors to your Instagram by showing off your feed.

Wondering how to do this in Squarespace? Well, you’re in luck! Squarespace makes this very easy to do and even provides ways for you to design your feed to make it look more attractive on your site. Keep reading to learn how!

How to add your Instagram feed to Squarespace

You can easily add your Instagram feed to your Squarespace site and start showing off your posts. Here’s how to do it.

  • Open Instagram and make sure you’re logged into the account you want to connect.

  • Go to your site’s Settings.

  • Click Third Party Tools.

  • Click the Connected Accounts tab then click Connect Account.

  • Click Instagram.

Instagram squarespace
  • In the authorization pop up, click Allow.

  • Then navigate to the section of the page you want to add your Instagram feed to. Alternatively, if you want the feed to show up on every page of your website, add it to the footer.

  • Click Add Block.

  • Under Integrations, choose Instagram.

  • Your Instagram feed should then populate the block.

  • Make sure to click Save on the page.

Two things to keep in mind: 

  1. Your account needs to be public so visitors are directed to your Instagram account when they click your feed. 

  2. Your feed will not show stories, shared posts, or reels. 

Design options

When it comes to designing your Instagram feed, Squarespace offers a few options. You can access these by clicking the Instagram block and selecting the edit icon.

Under the Account tab, you can choose how many of your latest Instagram posts to display, with a maximum of 20. Under the Design tab, you can customize your feed in four different ways:

instagram block


The first option you have for your Instagram feed is to display it as a slideshow. You can resize the block with the drag tool at the corners until you get it to the size you want. If you have Automatically Crop Images checked on, parts of the image might get cropped out so be careful when resizing the feed.

Squarespace also allows you to:

  • Automatically transition between slides or require users to click through the slide show.

  • Show or hide the next and previous controls.

  • Show or hide thumbnails and captions.



The carousel display option will display three of your Instagram posts at a time, and you have the option to set the carousel to auto scroll and show or hide the controls.


In the grid display option, you can display numerous posts side by side, with the option to:

  • Change the aspect ratio.

  • Adjust the padding around the images.

  • And show a lightbox of your post’s image and caption when clicked instead of directing the user to your actual post.

  • Choose how many posts you want to display.

  • Choose how many posts you want displayed in each row.


lightbox with caption

Lightbox with caption


In the stacked display option, your posts will be stacked vertically. You have the option to show your caption (in the Design tab) and choose how many posts you want to display (in the Account tab).

Troubleshooting: What if your Instagram feed doesn’t update?

Your Instagram posts should update automatically in your feed, but if they’re not, there are a few things you can do to fix it.

Step 1: Reset your data

The first thing you’ll want to do to fix this issue is just reset your data in Squarespace. Here’s how:

  • In Squarespace, navigate to your Settings.

  • Click Third Party Tools.

  • Click the Connected Accounts tab, then click your Instagram account.

  • Make sure Download Data is checked on and click Reset Data.

  • Refresh your site and see if your feed is updated.

Step 2: Reauthenticate your account

The second step you’ll take if step 1 doesn't work is reauthenticate your Instagram account in Squarespace. Here’s how:

  • In the Connected Accounts tab, click your Instagram account.

  • If there is a red error message that says Unauthorized, then click the Reauthenticate link. Then click Continue

  • Back in Squarespace, click your Instagram account under Connected Accounts.

  • Make sure Download Data is checked on and click Reset Data.

  • Refresh your site and see if your feed is updated.

Step 3: Disconnect and reconnect your account.

The third step you’ll take if step two doesn’t work is to disconnect and reconnect your Instagram account. Here’s how:

  • In the Connected Accounts tab, click your Instagram account.

  • Click Disconnect, then Confirm.

disconnect instagram squarespace
  • Then click Connect Account.

  • Click Instagram.

  • In the authorization pop-up, click Allow.

  • Then navigate to your Instagram feed block and click the block.

  • Click the edit icon. 

  • Under Connected Account, select your Instagram account.

  • Save your page.

Why should you add your Instagram feed to Squarespace?

There are plenty of benefits to adding your Instagram feed to your Squarespace website. First of all, it helps with social proof. Showing off your Instagram posts can make your business feel more legitimate as it shows people that you're an active, thriving business, which builds trust. And while this may be even more beneficial if you have a big instagram following, even a small following can be helpful.

Plus, it helps increase engagement with your brand. Visitors will spend more time browsing your content, whether they stay on your website or head over to your Instagram. The more time they spend with your brand, the more familiar they feel with it. 

Displaying your feed is also a great way to promote your Instagram account, as visitors can easily check out your latest posts and follow you there for updates. It’s a really simple way to promote your account, and you just have to set it and forget it.

Want to learn more?

OK, now you know how to add your Instagram feed to Squarespace. That’s one thing you can cross off your TODO list! But do you want to learn more? You can learn more about Squarespace, design, copywriting, SEO, and more on the blog! Here are some of our favorites!

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