Did someone say “website copywriter?”

Oh… hello there. I'm Michaela.

I’m a copywriter who believes in drinking lots of coffee, telling stories, and never finishing TV shows (I still have one more season of The Office that I’ll probably never get to).

I'm on a mission to help business owners eliminate the usual jitters that come with pressing “publish.”

“Start a business,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said.

What they didn’t tell you is that you’d constantly be putting out fires and juggling five roles at once, all while worrying if you chose the *perfect* words for your website copy, emails, and blogs. 

I get it. Running a business is hard… but getting your messaging right shouldn’t be. Not when you have an experienced, storytelling copywriter at your disposal.

I believe in

Pursuing what lights your fire because life is short. Too short to be stuck doing something that doesn’t get you excited to get out of bed in the morning.

The power of storytelling. Stories have the ability to change lives and yes, even the world. This power is often ignored by marketers in favor of “growth hacks” that rely on luck, not on connection.

Being kind, even when it’s easier not to be. It bums me out when I see copywriters use shame tactics to bully people into buying. Not only is it mean, it’s also not a great way to build community.

(Fun?) Facts about me.

My childhood friends call me Fig.

My dog’s name is Clark Timothée Chalamet.

I say I’m 5’4, but I’m actually 5’3.5.

My favorite food is green juice. Just kidding! It’s pizza.

My Story

After graduating from UCLA, I had no idea what I wanted to do…

I had a degree in Psychology and I didn’t know how I’d use it. I only knew two things — I didn’t want to be a Psychologist and that I loved both writing and business. But it didn’t seem like I could find a path that checked all those boxes.

Until I found copywriting that is.

A career where I could A, run my own business, B, write all day, and C, use my understanding of human behavior to help people with their own businesses?

“100x YES!” I thought. Looks like I finally had a plan for my life.

And now, years later, I can’t imagine what my life would have been like had I not decided to course correct and jump into copywriting.

I’m pretty sure a whole lot less fun.