It’s time for your website to do the heavy lifting

Through strategic website design and copy, I’ll help you get more eyes to your website and convert visitors into buyers.

Your website should be making your audience go, “Now THIS is what I need!”

And if it’s not, well, we need to get on that. And pronto. You need a website that shows off your story, personality, and expertise, so that you become the obvious choice in an online world that values quantity over connection.

Get Seen

I know your business is AWESOME. But, how is anyone else ever going to know that if they can’t find you? You need copy that gets you seen by your ideal customers.

Stand Out

Let’s not pretend there isn’t a lot of competition out there. But you and I both know that you’re not like everyone else, and you deserve messaging that shows that.

Inspire Action

The final piece of the puzzle is to have messaging that inspires action. Because while you can have attention, if you’re not showing your audience why they should take action, they won’t.

Tired of overthinking your website strategy?

You shouldn’t have to. Not when you have a designer/copywriter who can do it for you. You, my friend, should be focusing your energy on the parts of your business that light a fire in you, the parts that make you excited to wake up in the morning.

Leave your website to me.

Say hello to your friendly neighborhood web designer and copywriter.

Hey, I’m Michaela.

And I’m a little bit obsessed with you. Not in a Joe from You kind of vibe but in an I-want-to-know-all-about-you-and-your-business kind of vibe.

I want to help you have a website that works for you and attracts customers 24/7.

Ways we can work together

Website Copywriting

You know you have a killer biz. You’re just having a hard time showing it through your website copy. If you want to motivate visitors to take action, you need strategic, high-converting written in your voice. 

Email Copywriting

You have an email list and maybe even get some sales from it from time to time. But here’s the thing, if you want to stand out from the sea of emails your subscribers are receiving every single day, you’re going to need to do things a little differently. You need to be sending value-packed, story-driven emails that make your subscribers excited to see a new email from you.

Blog Writing

You might already have a website, but at the end of the day, people need to actually be able to find it. Well, there’s nothing like SEO blogging to increase your website traffic by hundreds or even thousands. And more traffic = more email subscribers = more sales.

Web Design

Your website’s design is the first thing your visitors notice. So, is yours making you proud? Or is it making you hesitate every time someone asks you for a link to your website? If the answer is the latter, let’s talk!

“I asked Michaela for help with a project I honestly had been postponing for a long time, and I was extremely grateful for her on time delivery and quality of service!”

— Robert R.

How to use storytelling in your email marketing

“I never know what to write in my newsletter. It’s like pulling teeth! What should I do?”

I see this question ALL THE TIME. If you’re writing a newsletter that goes out at least once a week, and not just when the inspiration strikes, chances are, you’ve struggled to know what to write.

I have a solution for you, friend. Storytelling!

How to grow your business without social media

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How to stand out in a crowded market

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How to write an email welcome sequence

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Free Resources



You need to stop working so hard trying to convince people that you’re the real deal

Your website should be working for you. Even when it’s 3 A.M. and you’re sound asleep.