How to write an About page for your website

How to write an About page for your website

Your About page is one of the most important sections of your website. In fact, a study by KoMarketing found that 52% of website visitors wanted to see an About Page when they arrived on a company’s homepage. This statistic shows just how eager people are to learn about the faces and stories behind a business.

If you have a business, you have a story, and probably a pretty interesting one at that. Your about page gives you a golden opportunity to tell your story. 

Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it? 

These are things people want to know.

And by revealing the journey behind your brand, you can connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Your about page also makes you more trustworthy. I think this is especially important if you’re a service business, since people want to work with people who they not only think are GREAT at what they do, but who they also think are enjoyable to work with.

A great about page can help you convince your reader you’re not a mole person!

They get a sense of who you are, which can be a deciding factor in choosing to do business with you.

Tips for writing an About page

Alright, so an About page is important.

But how do you write one that is actually good? One that speaks to your ideal client/customer and convinces them that your business is one that deserves their attention? Let’s go through some important tips on writing an about page.

Tip #1: Write to one person

When creating your About page, think of writing to just one person—your ideal client. This approach helps make your message personal and engaging. To do this effectively, understand your ideal client's desires, problems, and anxieties.

Imagine their needs and concerns. What are they looking for? What problems are they trying to solve?

Tip #2: Write a great headline

A great headline is the first thing your visitors will see on your About page, so it’s important to make it count. Your headline should sum up your message and catch attention immediately. Think of it as the hook that inspires your reader to keep reading.

Start by thinking about what you want your visitors to know right away. This might be your mission, your values, or the key benefit you offer.

Tip #3: Include your story

People love stories. In fact, they’re 22 times more likely to remember a story than a fact. So share yours!

Talk about your business journey, the challenges you faced, and the milestones you achieved. Explain what inspired you to start your business and what motivates you to keep going. Sharing your story can make your business more relatable and HUMAN, which makes visitors connect with you on a far deeper level.

Tip #4: Include some fun facts about you

Share a few interesting tidbits that show your personality. Maybe you have a unique hobby, a favorite travel destination, or a quirky talent. These fun details can make you more memorable and help visitors feel a connection with you. 

For example, if you love baking exotic desserts or have a collection of vintage vinyl records, mention it! Fun facts add a personal touch and make your About page not just informative but also “fun” to read.

Tip #5: Realize your About page is not actually about you

Remember, your about page is really about the reader. Everything you mention should connect with them and address their interests and needs. While it’s your story, think about how it relates to your audience. Ask yourself, “How does this relate to my reader?” 

Your page is about making a connection, so focus on sharing what’s important for them to know. 

Tip #6: Include social proof

Including social proof like testimonials and reviews on your About page can significantly boost your credibility. After all, The average consumer reads 10 online reviews before making a purchase decision. Nobody wants to spend their money without some recommendations from their peers!

Share quotes from happy clients, highlighting their experiences and the benefits they received from your services. If you have any notable endorsements, include them! Social proof gives visitors a reason to believe in you and your business, making your about page not only personal but also persuasive.

Tip #7: Show how you’re different

When writing your about page, highlight what sets you apart. Share the unique aspects of your business that make you stand out from the competition. This could be your approach, your values, or a special skill you bring to the table. Maybe you have a unique background that influences your work. Maybe you have a unique approach (that you can also prove works). 

Whatever it is, make it clear and compelling. Showing how you’re different helps potential clients understand why they should choose you above all the other options they have.

Tip #8: Include a CTA

Including a call to action (CTA) on your about page is important. Sometimes, people need a little guidance on what to do next. A clear CTA helps direct your visitors, whether it’s to contact you, sign up for a newsletter, or explore your services. This simple step encourages visitors to take action or keeps the conversation going.

Final thoughts

Hopefully these tips have helped you. And if you need more help writing website copy, check out some of the articles on my blog. 

Or if you need an about page for your website (and other pages), check out my website copywriting services!


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