40+ ways to increase your blog traffic

How to grow your blog traffic (40+ ways)

There are about 600 million blogs in the world right now. That’s more than the population of America! And there's goodreason for this — the results blogging can give to your business are pretty incredible.

For example, the businesses that have a blog get about twice as much email traffic as the businesses that don’t. And the leads you get from blogging can also be extremely high quality. In fact, SEO leads have a 14.6% average close rate, while outbound leads (like direct mail or print advertising) only have a 1.7% close rate. The people who find your website from your blogs are searching for solutions to their problems, and you’re the one offering it. 

The reason you should focus on how to grow your blog traffic is simple. More traffic = more leads. More leads = more sales. 

But growing your blog traffic is definitely not easy.

That’s why, in this blog post, we’re going to be covering more than 40 different ways to help you grow your blog traffic.

Some tips are small, some are big, but each can help you grow your blog and, ultimately, grow your business. Keep reading!

Niche down

One of the best ways to grow your blog is to niche down on the topics you write about. Why? 

Well, establishing authority is easier when your blog specializes in one area because it can become a go-to expert on that topic. For example, imagine you run a blog about fitness. Instead of covering all aspects of fitness, you decide to focus solely on yoga. By consistently providing detailed guides, tips, and resources specifically for yogis, you can build a reputation as an expert in that niche. This authority can lead to more engagement, more traffic, and increased loyalty from your audience. And you can always broaden your niche more as you later on!

Plus, when you focus on a niche, you can dive deeper into subjects, instead of providing a surface level blog on many different things. This helps you stand out in a crowded blogosphere, making it clear what your blog is about and who it's for. Readers who are passionate about your niche are more likely to subscribe, engage with your content, and share it with others.

Write for your target audience

If you want to grow your blog traffic, you need to know exactly who you're trying to reach. 

Without understanding your audience, it’s going to be tough to create a focused content strategy. You might end up covering a bunch of random topics that don’t connect with any specific group, which can dilute your blog and make it harder to build a loyal following.

On the other hand, understanding this helps you create content that actually resonates with your target audience. Start by identifying the demographics of your ideal readers—age, gender, location, and interests.  

Once you have a clear picture of your audience, create content that speaks directly to their interests and problems. If your readers are young professionals, for example, focus on topics like career advice, productivity tips, and financial planning. This helps you build a loyal audience that actively searches your blog for advice and even refers other people to your blog, helping you to increase your traffic. 

Conduct keyword research

Researching keywords, words, and phrases people type into search engines when they're looking for information is a must if you want to grow your blog traffic. 

Keyword research is important because it can give you insight into whether the content you're writing about is actuallybeing searched for. It helps you avoid spending hours researching and writing a blog only to find out that no one is actually asking about that topic.

When writing your blog posts, look for keywords and key phrases that have some search volume but aren't toocompetitive. This way, you have a better shot at getting your content on the first page of search results. This is a big deal because only about 25% of people go past the first page.

And using keyword research tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs can make this process a lot easier. These tools help you come up with keyword ideas, see how competitive they are, and find out how many searches they get. They also give you other useful info that can help shape your content strategy.

Ubersuggest keyword search

Target zero volume keywords

While high-volume, low-competition keywords are generally the sweet spot you want to aim for when identifying keywords you want to target with your content, there’s another option that can also help you attract more traffic over time — zero-volume keywords, or keywords that currently have no searches. The goal with this is to target keywords that currently have no search traffic (and therefore little competition) before other people start to target them too, with the expectation that they will eventually attract more searches. This way, you have a greater chance of ranking higher than others and attracting backlinks to this content because you were the first to write about it.

However, you want to do this strategically, otherwise you’ll waste your time writing content that no one is ever going tosee. Neil Patel has a fantastic article that covers how you’ll want to identify zero-volume keywords that will eventually become high-volume keywords and attract plenty of traffic, but here is a quick overview of the type of zero-volume keywords you’ll want to target:

  • Zero-volume keywords for trending topics

  • Zero-volume keywords your audience is asking for

  • Zero-volume long tail keywords that include a high volume keyword

Find content gaps

If you want your blogs to rank better in search engines and get more traffic, make sure you're filling content gaps, which are informational gaps that other content is not addressing.

For example, if you want to write a blog on how to train for a marathon, you'll see that there are already thousands of articles on that topic. Instead of just repeating what everyone else is saying in your own blog, look for angles or subtopics that aren't well-covered and address them in the blog. Maybe there's not much out there about training for people with busy schedules or tips for training in extreme weather.

Filling these content gaps helps your blog perform better because it addresses specific needs that other articles don’t, which not only helps you stand out but is also good for SEO.

Write new blogs consistently

While quality trumps quantity when it comes to blogging, quantity also matters a lot. The reality is that not all your content will perform well, no matter how good it is. So, you can't rely on just a few posts to bring in all your traffic.Instead, you need a solid content library where each post contributes a bit to your overall traffic.

Consistent blogging also helps build a range of content that appeals to different segments of your audience. For example, some posts might address beginner questions, while others dive deep into advanced topics. This variety helps you attract and retain a broader audience over time, therefore attracting more traffic to your site.

Update old blogs

Updating your blogs is a great way to boost your blog traffic. There are a lot of benefits to this. First, it gives you a chance to improve underperforming blogs by making the content better, targeting different keywords, or updating outdated information.

Refreshing old content is also way easier than writing brand-new posts from scratch since you can build on what you already have. Plus, search engines love fresh content, which can improve your rankings and bring in more organic traffic.

Updating your blogs can also help you fill any gaps in the information that might have popped up since the original post.This makes sure your readers always get the most accurate and comprehensive content, improving your credibility.

Improve your website design

The importance of web design is often overlooked when thinking about SEO and growing your blog traffic. But the truth is, your web design has a huge impact on how people see your business. Studies show that 94% of visitors’ first impressions are based on design. No matter how great your content is, if your website looks bad and gives a poor user experience, visitors will leave quickly.

And low dwell times signal to Google that your site and content aren't high quality, which can hurt your chances of growing your blog traffic. So, if you want to seriously boost your blog traffic, make sure your web design is on point.

Investing in a clean, user-friendly design helps visitors stay on your site longer, explore more of your content, and see your business in a better light. This boosts your credibility and increases the chances of turning visitors into loyal readers or customers.

Write long-form content

While short blogs can be incredibly valuable, the reality is that, these days, it's pretty hard to rank high on Google with shorter content. Longer blog posts, ideally around 1,500 to 2,500 words, have a better chance of ranking well.

Long-form content allows you to dive deeper into topics, providing more value to your readers, and can also help you establish expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, which can help your rankings.

Longer posts also allow you to cover multiple related subtopics and include various keywords and phrases naturally. Thisincreases your chances of ranking for a broader range of search queries, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Additionally, long-form content tends to attract more backlinks on average, which helps you build your site's overall authority, which can make all of your content rank better.

Write better meta titles

One easy way to grow your blog traffic is by improving your meta titles, otherwise known as title tags, which are the headlines that show up on search engine results pages (SERPs). They’re the first thing people see in search results.

And here’s why they matter: if they aren’t compelling, people will skip over your link and choose another one, even if your content is amazing. But a good meta title can really boost your click-through rate (CTR).

To make great meta titles, keep them clear, include the keyword you want to target with your blog and make sure they accurately describe the content in your blog. You don't want an irrelevant title tag that makes people think your blog is about a certain topic only to hop off your page right away when their expectations weren't met. Also, aim for around 50-60 characters so they don’t get cut off in search results.

Optimize your posts for snippets

In a study by Ahrefs, they found that about 8.6% of clicks go to the search result that has the featured snippet, which is a short summary that directly answers the query in the search results (picture below). 

So, if you’re able to be featured on snippets, you can get significantly more traffic to your blog.

And if you want more information on the best way to get featured in a snippet, check out that source.

snippet on google

Write conversationally

As stated before, the amount of time people spend on your site can affect your rankings. If people click on your blogs and leave right away, you’re signaling to Google that your content might be subpar, which can hurt your rankings.

Because of this, you need to make your content engaging to read so people stick around longer.

How do you do that? Well, to start, write like you speak. 

One of the reasons no one reads textbooks for fun is that they're written in a monotone, boring way. And that's not what people are on the Internet for! They're looking for information, sure, but they also expect to be talked to like an actual person. 

When you write this way, people are more engaged and more likely to spend more time reading your content, which can help your rankings.

Improve your intros

If you want to grow your blog, make sure your intros are engaging. Bad intros can bore readers, causing them to leave your blog and find information elsewhere. This not only loses you potential readers but also signals to Google that your content isn't high-quality, which can hurt your rankings and overall traffic. On the other hand, a good intro can convince your reader that your content is worth spending time reading.

A good intro should quickly explain what the blog is about while capturing the reader's interest. You don't need a long, drawn-out introduction. Keep it short and sweet to get to the main content right away. The goal is to hook your readers with a compelling opening that promises valuable information or insights, encouraging them to keep reading.

Hire a writer

The blog creation process can be pretty time-consuming, especially if you're writing a long-form, well-researched, engaging post. So, if you want to grow your blog, think about outsourcing the writing.

One big benefit of outsourcing is that you can have the help of knowledgeable writers help you create SEO-optimized, well-researched content that both resonates with your audience and also helps you improve your rankings and bring in more traffic to your blog. 

Outsourcing also helps you keep a consistent posting schedule, which is key to building and keeping an audience, as wellcreating more traffic opportunities.

So, while hiring a skilled writer will have upfront costs, this a great investment in the long term if you have it in your budget.

Place your keywords in the right places

If you want to grow your blog traffic, make sure you're optimizing your content for your keywords correctly. Good keyword placement can have a big impact on your blog performance, as it helps Google figure out what your content is about and what to rank it for, therefore improving your rankings and attracting more traffic. 

Most SEOs agree that the following is best practice when it comes to keyword placement:

  • Put your main keyword/keyphrase in your title

  • Put your main keyword/keyphrase in your meta title and meta description

  • Put your main keyword/keyphrase in your first 100 words

  • Put your main keyword/keyphrase in one H2(subheading)

  • Sprinkle your other keywords throughout the article

Include internal links

Internal linking (linking from one of your blog posts to others) is a simple strategy that has the potential to help you grow your blog for multiple reasons.

First off, internal linking helps your SEO. When you link to other posts on your blog, it helps search engines understand the structure of your site. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content, which can boost your rankings. Plus, linking spreads page authority around your site, helping individual posts and your blog as a whole rank higher.

But it’s not just about SEO. Internal linking also helps your readers find more of your content. If someone is reading a post about “Healthy Eating Tips,” linking to another post about “Easy Healthy Recipes” can provide extra value. Thiskeeps readers on your site longer and increases the chances they’ll explore more of your content.

Doing this can help you create a web of content that supports each other. This not only helps improve your blog’s SEO but also helps your readers find more useful info, keeping them on your site longer and coming back for more.

Include outbound links

Outbound links are links that take readers from your site to other websites. Including these links is important for your blog rankings for a few reasons.

First, outbound links can make your blog more credible and trustworthy. When you link to authoritative sources, it shows your readers (and search engines) that you’re getting your information from reliable places. This can improve your content’s quality and make your blog a trusted resource.

Outbound links are important because they can help increase the trustworthiness (another ranking factor) of your blog posts. It shows Google that you’re getting your information from legitimate sources. So make sure you’re using trustworthy sources and not just any website.

Build backlinks

Google wants to push out content that is trustworthy. One of the ways it does this? They check to see if other websites have links pointing to your website (called backlinks or inbound links). If you’ve been blogging for a while, following the rest of the tips in this post, and are still not getting a lot of traffic, chances are, you don’t have a lot of backlinks pointing to your website. 

While the best way to build backlinks is for other bloggers to find you organically, like your content, and link to it, this can take a really, really long time. So, some other ways to build backlinks faster are to: 

  • Do some guest blogging

  • Reach out to websites and offer one of your blogs as a source

  • Create resources that people can use and link to

  • Publish original research

Promote on Instagram

One easy way to grow your blog traffic is by promoting it on Instagram. Instagram is great because it’s usually easier to build a following there, especially when you're just starting out. Then, you can leverage this audience to build your blog audience. 

To use Instagram for your blog, start by repurposing each blog post into an Instagram post. Of course, make sure your Instagram posts look good and match your blog’s style.

Then, encourage your Instagram followers to check out the "deeper dive" version of your post on your blog as your call-to-action in your caption. Include a link to your blog in your bio to make it easier for your followers and drive traffic to your blog. Not only does this help you drive traffic to your blog, but you also save time creating Instagram content because you're using the blog content that you already researched and wrote to create your posts. It’s a win-win on all sides.

Promote on X (Twitter)

With around 600 million monthly active users, X is a huge platform where people are constantly sharing and discoveringnew content. And since it’s text-based, it’s a great place to drive traffic to your blog since you know its users already like to consume that text-based content.

Engaging with your followers by responding to comments, retweeting relevant content, and posting your own opinions and takes can help you grow your following, which you can then encourage to check out your blog.

Promote on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has over 700 million users and drives more than half of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs. It’s a great place to reach a business-focused audience and grow your blog’s reach, especially if your blog is related to business, skills, or careers.

Since it’s a business platform, you can connect with professionals and decision-makers interested in industry-specific content. Sharing your blog posts on LinkedIn can attract readers looking for valuable insights in your niche.

To make the most of the platform, optimize your profile, comment on others’ posts, and post frequently on the site with CTAs to check out your blog posts. 

Publish on Medium

Publishing on Medium can also help you grow your blog's audience. With over 100 million monthly active users, it's a great place to get your content in front of a lot of eyes right away. And you point to this audience, which will probably be quicker to grow (in the beginning) than on your own and to your blog.

To make the most of Medium, start by posting your own articles directly on Medium. Then include a link back to your website’s blog with a clear call-to-action (CTA) to hook readers in for more.

Another trick is to contribute to Medium publications that match your niche. These publications already have a built-in audience interested in specific topics, and by getting featured there, you can tap into their readership.

Using Medium this way not only helps you reach a broader audience fast but also directs traffic back to your blog, where you can deepen the engagement with your readers. You’re essentially borrowing a megaphone to spread the word about your blog and build a solid following over time.

Join Facebook Groups

Roughly 1.4 billion people engage in Facebook Groups each month. And they are filled with like-minded people who want to connect on certain subjects and learn from each other. This makes them a perfect place to promote your blog and get more traffic! It’s also a great place to build relationships. 

However, many Facebook groups have strict rules about self-promotion (often not allowing you to directly promote your blog, products, or services), so you want to do this in a way that doesn’t violate any of those rules. One way to do this that works for most groups, is to regularly post valuable tips in the group, which can help attract followers or people interested in learning more about what you have to say. Help them find your blog by including a link to your blog on your profile so that when people click on it, they can check it out.

Create your own Facebook Group

One of the benefits of creating your own Facebook group is that you essentially have a whole community of your owntarget audience for you to conduct market research. You can ask them questions about what their pain points are, what their goals are, and what’s getting in the way of them reaching their goals. This information can help you create better blog content for them that attracts more readers. 

If you own your Facebook group, you also have a way to get directly in front of your audience to promote your own blog, generate leads for your business, and build a community. Creating and managing your own Facebook group is not for the faint of the heart, BUT, if you’re looking for a really effective way to grow your blog traffic, this can work wonders. 

Promote on your email list

Email marketing is one of the best things you can do for both your blog and your business in general.

First off, having an email list means you can reach your audience directly in their inboxes, without the stress of algorithms. Which means it’s one of the best places to promote your blog and get more traffic.

If you don’t have an email list, to get started, offer something in exchange for their email (otherwise known as a lead magnet). This may be an e-book, a checklist, a discount, or something else. Promote it anywhere you have an audience. As your list grows, you can repurpose your new blogs into email newsletters, which will often be a shortened version of your blog post. You can then encourage your subscribers to check out the full blog on your website. 

Promote on Pinterest

While many people think of Pinterest as a social media site, it's actually a search engine—and a pretty powerful one, with almost 500 million users each month. These users come to Pinterest looking for inspiration and ideas, making it a great platform to drive traffic to your blog.

Pinterest users are actively searching for useful, actionable advice. Each pin you create acts like a visual bookmark that can link directly to your blog, driving traffic from Pinterest to your site.

To make the most of Pinterest, create high-quality images for your pins, and leverage Pinterest SEO to help you get the most out of the platform and reach more people who are interested in your blog topics.

While Pinterest’s algorithm loves fresh content, and regular pinning gets the best results, the good thing about Pinterest is that you can create this content relatively quickly, unlike some other forms of content.

Promote on YouTube

Did you know that YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine after Google? An estimated 1 billion hours of video are watched every single month on YouTube. This massive audience includes your ideal clients, making YouTube one of the best platforms to build an audience and drive traffic to your blog.

You can start by repurposing your existing blog content into videos. This not only allows you to get the most possible value of your content but also caters to different audience preferences—some people prefer watching videos over reading articles.

Once you have your videos, you can use them to promote your blog. You can mention your blog in your videos, include links to related blog posts in your video descriptions, and use end screens and cards to direct viewers to your blog. 

You can even embed your YouTube videos in your blog posts to enhance the content.

Improve your site loading time

Your site's page speed is a significant ranking factor for Google. If your site takes too long to load, it provides a poor user experience, which can hurt your rankings.

And when visitors have to wait several seconds for a page to load, they are likely to leave and find information elsewhere. But a faster site means visitors can quickly access and navigate your content, keeping them engaged and encouraging them to explore more of your blog. Higher engagement can lead to better rankings and increased traffic.

To get started, use tools like Ubersuggest to check your page speed and identify areas for improvement.

Include a share buttons

Another way to help you grow your blog traffic is to include share buttons. When your readers find your content helpful or interesting, they’re more likely to share it with their friends, family, or followers on social media. This sharing means your blog gets exposed to a whole new audience that might not have discovered it otherwise.

So, your button should make it easy for people to spread the word. Include share buttons for platforms like Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, or LinkedIn, to give your readers a quick way to recommend your blog to their networks.

And don’t forget to place these share buttons in a noticeable spot on your blog posts—usually at the beginning, end, or side—so readers can easily find them. It’s a really simple, easy step that can actually make a big difference in growing your blog’s audience and reaching new readers.

Write more unique content

Unique content not only sets you apart from competitors but also helps you build authority in your niche. It shows that you have something unique to offer, making readers more likely to trust your expertise and return for more.

Search engines like unique content. They prioritize originality and relevance when ranking websites. By publishing content that’s different from what’s already out there, you increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and reaching more people.

There are many ways to create content that is unique, including focusing on your own experiences, expanding on topics others have talked about, and sharing stories, case studies, or personal anecdotes that others can’t replicate.

And being unique doesn’t necessarily mean reinventing the wheel— it’s about providing value that isn’t simply a repeat of what other people are saying. By consistently putting out fresh and original content, you can attract more readers and grow your blog traffic organically.

Reply on Reddit

One of the places on the Internet where people are most passionately trying to learn and discuss their experiences is Reddit, which has over 250 million weekly users. So, meet the people where they are by participating in the discussion. In doing this, you can establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource in your niche and drive traffic to your blog.

These platforms also offer a direct line to your target audience, helping you to get to know what questions people are asking, so you can tailor your blog content to address them. This helps you create more helpful content that attracts more readers.

To get started, join Subreddits that are relevant to your niche and then start making your presence more noticeable. Reply to people’s questions there and engage with other Redditors’ comments. But make sure that you’re following the rules of each Subreddit (which often limits self-promotion and hyperlinking) so you don’t get kicked off of them. Instead, you can link your blog on your profile for people to find it there.

Reply on Quora

Like Reddit, Quora is a question and answer site that can help you grow your blog traffic. It gets roughly 400 million users a month, so your audience is almost definitely there. You just need to reach them. Here are three simple steps to get started.

1. Create a profile: Create a detailed and professional profile. Include a clear bio, your credentials, and a link to your blog. This establishes credibility and makes users more likely to trust your answers.

2. Identify worthwhile questions: Search for questions related to your blog's niche. Focus on questions with a lot of followers but few answers, so you can reach as many people as possible with as little competition as possible.

3. Provide value in your answers: Write detailed, insightful, and well-researched answers that are genuinely helpful. These types of answers are far more likely to attract interest to your profile and then your blog.

Use paid ads

Paid advertising can also increase your blog traffic by putting your content in front of a targeted audience quickly.Platforms like Google Ads or social media ads on Facebook and Instagram allow you to reach people who are already interested in topics related to your blog.

You can specify demographics, interests, and behaviors of your ideal readers, to make sure your blog reaches the right audience and attract visitors who are genuinely interested in what your blog has to offer.

And while SEO takes time to gain traction, paid advertising can generate traffic almost instantly. 

To succeed with paid ads, make sure to continuously optimize your campaigns based on performance data. You want to make sure your conversion rates are as high as they can be and that you are getting the most out of your investment. Of course, the downside with this strategy is that it costs money upfront, but if you have the budget for it, and are able to put in the time to optimize your ads, it can be a great way to grow your blog.

Write faster

Put simply, if you write faster, you can produce more content and therefore create more opportunities to attract traffic.This is by no means easy, but it’s doable. 

First, you need to tackle the barriers that slow you down. Writer’s block is one of the most common causes of this, as it paralyzes you from getting more words in. Lack of planning also exacerbates this by forcing multiple rewrites due to poor structure. And too many distractions can reduce both speed and quality of work.

To overcome these hurdles, try creating a content bank of blog ideas to make sure you always have topics you’reinterested in writing about at hand. This can help you prevent writer’s block. And outline your posts before you write to maintain a clear, logical flow and make it easier to write. You can also do your research for the blog before writing to support your arguments without disrupting your writing flow.

You can also leverage voice tools for faster transcription, speaking your ideas instead of typing. After all, we talk faster than we write. You can also try using the Pomodoro technique to help you focus in manageable bursts. Lastly, resist the urge to edit while writing to preserve momentum. Save revisions for a dedicated editing phase.

Translate your content

Translating your content can open up a whole new world of readership and grow your blog traffic in exciting ways. Here’show:

By translating your content into different languages, you instantly reach a global audience. People prefer consuming content in their native language, so translating can attract readers who wouldn’t have found you otherwise. 

When you translate your blog posts, you can also optimize them for different keywords in other languages. This meansyour content can rank in multiple language-specific search results, increasing your overall visibility.

Collaborate with other bloggers

Collaborating with other bloggers can also help you grow your blog traffic in multiple ways.

Take content swaps, which is when you write a blog post on someone else’s blog, and they write a blog post on yours. By doing this, you’re exposing your content to a whole new group of readers. 

Same goes for interviews. By interviewing each other and posting the interview on your respective blogs, you are each promoting each other to your audiences. 

This is obviously helpful in expanding your reach, but it’s also helpful in enhancing your credibility and authority. When you work with other respected bloggers in your niche, it signals to your audience that you’re more trustworthy, which can boost your blog’s reputation.

However, when it comes to collaborating, make sure that you’re doing it with someone who’s target audience is relevant to yours, whether that be fitness enthusiasts, small businesses, or another audience.

Optimize for mobile

It’s long been known that mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor for Google. Having a website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices can hurt your rankings. And with so many people browsing the internet on smartphones and tablets, making sure your blog is mobile-friendly improves accessibility and user experience. 

So, optimizing your blog for mobile is extremely important and can help you rank higher in search results and increase traffic to your blog. Make sure your blog is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. This means visitors can easily navigate your content, read articles, and interact with your blog regardless of the device they use.

Don’t underestimate the importance of optimizing for mobile devices when creating your website, as it can have a significant effect on your blog’s traffic and success.

Create evergreen content

Evergreen blog content, or content that stays relevant and useful no matter when someone consumes it, can help you increase your blog traffic as well. Unlike trendy topics that quickly fade, evergreen content remains valuable and relevant over time, consistently drawing in visitors. Take, for instance, a guide like "How to Start a Vegetable Garden." Its timeless advice on gardening basics can attract readers year after year, with minor updates, giving you more time to create more content.

This type of content offers a better return on investment (ROI) since the effort put into creating it continues to pay off well into the future. Evergreen topics are also more likely to earn backlinks from other sites seeking reliable, enduring information, which improves your site's authority and search engine rankings.

Creating evergreen content starts with understanding what your audience searches for consistently (keyword research can help you do this). Also, avoid incorporating pop culture references that can quickly date your content. Instead, focus on timeless subjects and periodically update your content to keep it current.

Promote on podcasts

Going on podcasts can be another fantastic way to boost your blog traffic. By appearing as a guest on relevant podcasts, you can introduce yourself and your blog to a new audience who might not have discovered you otherwise.

You get the chance to share your knowledge, stories, and personality directly with listeners, making a genuine connection that can drive them to visit your blog to learn more.

They also give you a platform to discuss topics in-depth, allowing you to show your expertise and build authority in your niche. 

Additionally, podcasts often provide opportunities for backlinks, which can improve your blog's authority and increase its visibility in search engine results.

To get started with this strategy, reach out to people you know who have a podcast audience that is related to your target audience. Give a good pitch as to why appearing on their podcast will be beneficial to them. Then, give a great appearance and make sure to plug your blog so people know where to find you after finishing the podcast.

Use AI tools to assist the writing process

Most people have figured out that one-click AI tools can be very counterproductive to attracting traffic, as that kind of content doesn’t reach Google’s standards for high-quality, unique, and valuable content. These are some of the most important factors that determine how high your content ranks on Google. 

But instead of writing off AI tools completely, use them to assist you throughout the writing process. These tools can help you streamline the writing process and generate high-quality content faster, giving you the opportunity to create more content. They can help you generate content ideas, craft engaging headlines, polish your writing, and catch grammar mistakes. For more help on how to use AI to create content, check out this guide.  

Create infographics

Another way to help you increase your blog’s traffic is to start creating infographics. These images often simplify complex topics and make them more digestible for people.

And one of the biggest perks of using infographics is their potential to be featured in image search results. When people search for topics related to your infographic on platforms like Google Images, your infographics can appear and attract clicks to your blog.

They’re also a great way to attract backlinks to your blog, because they are so shareable, which increases your site’sauthority and attracts more traffic.

To get the most out of your infographics, make sure they're relevant to your audience's interests, are designed beautifully (even if you need to outsource to do it), and show off in-depth research. You can also regularly share them on social media or Pinterest and encourage others to share them to further amplify their reach and drive more traffic to your blog.

Track your analytics

Tracking your analytics can also have a positive effect on your blog traffic because it gives you insights into what'sworking and what's not. This is invaluable when it comes to creating a blogging strategy that works for you and your business.

First, analytics show you where your traffic is coming from. Are most visitors finding you through Google searches, social media, or other websites? Knowing this helps you focus your promotional efforts where they'll have the most impact.

Your analytics also tell you which posts are succeeding and which ones are falling flat. You can use that information to double down on the topics that work best and also to improve the posts that could be doing better. 

Write a book

Another way to increase blog traffic? Write a book.

There are many reasons why writing and publishing a book can help your blog. First off, publishing a book helps youestablish yourself as an authority in your niche. Readers who resonate with your book may seek out your blog for more insights from you.

Think of someone like Tim Ferris. He jumped on the scene with The Four Hour Work Week, and since then, he has been able to use the popularity of his book to build an enormously popular blog, podcast, and newsletter. His newsletter currently stands at about 1.5 million subscribers.

Writing a book can lead to media coverage and speaking engagements, helping your blog reach even more people, as they can introduce your blog to new audiences who are eager to learn more about your expertise, ideas, and insights.

Grow your public profile

Speaking about Tim Ferris, or someone like Marie Forleo, growing your public profile can also help you boost your blog traffic.

It’s simple — establishing a strong public profile through speaking engagements or interviews can introduce your blog to new audiences. And if people are interested in what you have to say, they’re more likely to seek out your blog for more in-depth content.

A strong public profile can also attract media attention without even trying, like getting featured in articles, news segments, or industry publications. This can help you build backlinks and drive traffic to your blog.

Of course, growing your public profile typically works best when you have results in your business that people will be interested in learning more about. This is usually not a step for newbie bloggers or business owners.

But if you have an interesting story and want to grow your blog, being more public can help.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are so many things you can do to help you grow your blog traffic. You need to decide for yourselfwhich ones are worth trying and which ones aren't. But, if you need more help on all things related to blogging and your business, check out some other blog posts on our blog. 

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