How to repurpose blog content to save time and your sanity

How to repurpose blog content to save time and your sanity

I’m a huge proponent of blogging, since I think it’s one of the best ways to maintain an online presence that you can set and pretty much forget.  

But let’s get real. Writing an effective blog takes time. On average about 4 hours

That doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for your other types of content. 

When it comes to content, I believe in the mantra, “work smarter, not harder.”

So, it’s time to learn how to repurpose your blog content.

Repurposing the blog posts you pour your heart into is one of the best ways to maximize your efforts while doing less work. And who doesn’t love that?

Here are my tips for repurposing blog content to save you time and your sanity.

Turn them into Instagram posts

While blogs are my true love, Instagram is my camp boyfriend who brings me out of my shell and makes life a little more fun. 

Instagram is a great way to connect with your audience quicker than you would be able to do with a blog post. SEO can take months to kick in, while with Instagram, you see results pretty quickly. 

But these two content types can work together really well. You can create carousels that break up the sections of your blog post, you can create static posts that use just one section of your blog post, or even create reels that summarize your blog in the caption.

If you want an example, here’s the Instagram post I created from this blog.

Turn them into Newsletters

Not every newsletter you write needs to turn into a blog post, but every blog you write should turn into a newsletter.

We’ve all signed up to people’s newsletters in the past, expecting some great content, fun stories, and yes, occasionally some cool offers. Instead of those things, we get bombarded with constant selling, constant marketing, and constant boring, unhelpful emails. 

If you can make your email list a place where your readers can get loads of value, you're a step ahead of the rest. So, instead of just writing a blog post and letting it live only on your website, share it with your email list! If it’s a long blog post, you may just want to share a snippet and tell your readers to read the full post on your website.

Turn them into YouTube scripts

YouTube is the second most visited website in the world. 

Number 1? Google.

These two are the only websites that had more than 100 billion visitors in 2023. So, they make a perfect pairing when choosing which sites you're going to invest marketing time into.

They also pair well because you can pretty easily turn a longform blog into a YouTube Video.

Think about it, a 1,200-word blog has a speaking time of about 10 minutes (according to Grammarly), so a longform blog, with just a few tweaks, makes the perfect YouTube script.

Take a look at Alex Cattoni’s YouTube channel and then her blog. Almost all her videos have an accompanying blog (and newsletter and Instagram post by the way). She’s mastered content repurposing.

Turn them into Pinterest posts

Pinterest is incredibly underrated. Here’s just a few stats that prove it.

So, if you’re spending your time creating blog posts, not using them to create pinterest pins is a giant mistake. The great thing about pinterest pins is that they’re pretty easy to make. I can make about 15 pins in an hour, using the free templates on Canva.

Turn them into other blog posts

Another way you can repurpose your blog post is by turning it into another blog post. 

For example, let’s say you wrote a blog titled “What is the keto diet?” Maybe one of those sections was titled, “Keto diet recipes” and another section was titled, “The benefits of the keto diet.”

Those are both great blog ideas that you’ve done a little research for already! Save some time on research and coming up with content ideas, and start expanding sections of your most popular blogs posts into their own blogs.

Turn them into lead magnets

Lead magnets are one of THE BEST ways to get more email sign ups, an important part of getting consistent sales in your business. One of my favorite types of lead magnets are ebooks. 

You know where I’m going with this…

Turn your best blog posts into ebooks you can use as lead magnets!

Granted, a good lead magnet has a bit more design behind it than a blog post, but the blog gives you a big head start.

Use them for podcasts

Another way to give your blog posts a whole new life? Turn it into a podcast script! You’ll probably need to say more than what’s in your blog since most podcasts are around 20 to 60 minutes long, so you can use speech-to-text software to expand your sections or add more for your script.

Update the blog when it gets old or doesn’t get traffic

You can do all the steps of writing a great blog, but still, sometimes it doesn’t get traffic or just gets too old to rank well. Instead of writing a brand new post, update it. Fix broken links, update dates (for example, change “Guide to X in 2023” to “Guide to X in 2024”), and target new keywords. Here’s a more in-depth resource to help you update your old blogs to get results.

Finally, you know how to repurpose blog content. Now what?

A well-planned, well-researched blog post can take time. And if you’re spending a ton of time and effort on it, you deserve to save time on all your other types of content. So use these ideas to start repurposing like a madman!

And if you’re wondering how to write a high-performing blog post, check out my post on writing an SEO blog post that is value-packed and delivers results. 

You can then use the blogs you write for all your other content.

 And if you don’t even have the time to write your blog posts, let’s chat.


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