Discover the Automated Email Sequences You Need for Your Coaching/Course Creation/Service Business

In this FREE CHECKLIST, you will:

  • Learn the 7 email sequences you need to set and forget.

  • Discover actionable tips for creating each sequence.

  • Get a simple list that you can check off one by one.

Oh hello there. I’m Michaela (of Figera Copy)

“Start a business,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said.

What they didn’t tell you is that you’d constantly be putting out fires and juggling five roles at once, all while worrying if you chose the *perfect* words for your website, emails, and sales copy. 

I get it. Running a business is hard… but getting your messaging right shouldn’t be. Not when you have an experienced, storytelling copywriter at your disposal.

So, I’ve made it my mission to eliminate the usual jitters that come with writing by sharing my knowledge of copywriting, marketing, and storytelling after years in the biz. Come along for the ride!

More Helpful Resources

How to repurpose blog content to save time and your sanity

How to write an email welcome sequence

How big does your email list need to be?

How to make the most of your email list with email segmentation

Get the checklist that covers the most important automated email sequences you need for your creative business.

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