The best ways to grow your email list

The best ways to grow your email list

An email list can be a huge generator for your business (and maybe the top generator for your business). In fact, email marketing has one of the highest ROIs of all the marketing strategies out there (and there’s a lot of them).

But what exactly are the best ways to do this?

Well, my friend… Let’s get into it.

Promote on social media

By actively promoting your email list on social media, you tap into a ready-made audience that's already interested in what you have to offer. So, make it a habit to include regular calls to action in your posts. 

But in order to convert as many of your social media followers into email subscribers, you need to give your followers a reason to sign up to your list. One of the best ways to do this?

Freebies/lead magnets.

Freebies/Lead magnets

I’m sure you’ve heard about creating freebies in return for email signups. BUT, you have to understand that everyone has a lead magnet these days.

So, you don’t need just any lead magnet.

You need a killer lead magnet.

To do this, you have to think about who your ideal subscriber is and what problem you are trying to solve. Are they overworked moms who wants to get in shape but only has a few minutes a day to cook? Maybe you can offer 50 of your best recipes that take under 15 minutes to make. Are they e-commerce businesses that could use your expertise to level up on social? Maybe you can offer 100 days of content ideas WITH caption prompts.

People underestimate how good a freebie can be. I still regularly check freebies that I downloaded years ago.

Yes, make them THAT good.


If you’re comfortable on camera, start looking for podcasts that will have you on. A big part of this, however, is about finding the right shows. Look for podcasts with audiences that match your target audience.

For example, if you run a photography business, popping up on a true crime podcast probably won't do much for you. Instead, find podcasts that speak to creative professionals, artists, or entrepreneurs who'd be interested in your photography expertise.

Once you've pinpointed the right podcasts, focus on giving a memorable performance. When you offer real value and keep listeners hooked during your guest appearance, they're more likely to visit your website and subscribe to your email list. I can’t begin to tell you how many email lists I’ve signed up to because the business owner gave a great podcast performance!


Many of the biggest newsletter companies, like Morning Brew and The Hustle, have acquired a significant portion of their subscribers through social media ads. These platforms allow you to target specific demographics, making it easier to reach people who are likely to be interested in your content. While this strategy requires some upfront investment, creating the right ads can help you acquire new subscribers for just a few dollars each.

Since I'm not an expert on this topic, I highly recommend checking out the Newsletter Operator for more information on creating effective ads to grow your newsletter. It’s a fantastic resource.


Cross-promotion with other email lists is another powerful and often overlooked way to grow your email list. You can reach out to a friend who also has an email list and ask them to plug your email list in exchange for plugging theirs. Chances are, this will be a good opportunity for you both.

If you don't have any friends who have an email list, you can always reach out to people who you can tell are also trying to grow their list. This is one of the only times where I actually like cold outreach!


If you're spending time on growing your blog (please tell me you are!), you should also be regularly plugging your email list in your blog posts. After all, if you’re blogging correctly, you’re already attracting traffic your target audience, so why not try to get them on your list?

To get more subscribers through blogging, include calls to action within your blog posts. Whether you’re giving a simple nudge to subscribe for updates or offering a freebie that expands on the topics covered in the article, remind your readers why they should join your email list. This way, you can turn casual readers into loyal subscribers.

Promote on Pinterest

While often described as a social media platform, Pinterest is actually a search engine. And a search engine with more than 500 million users.

While Pinterest is an underrated platform when it comes to business, but it can be incredibly powerful.


Because it’s full of curious people looking for inspiration and ideas. And by leveraging Pinterest SEO, you can attract those same curious people who might be interested in YOUR ideas.

Start by promoting your blog posts by creating visually appealing pins that link directly to your blog content. Once they’re on your site, encourage them to sign up for your email list in your post or with a pop up. You can also get direct sign ups by creating pins that promote your lead magnets.

Referral programs

People love to share things that have helped them. It’s why when your friend starts a new fitness class they love, you never hear the end of it! So tap into that same desire by encouraging your loyal subscribers to help promote your email list.

One easy way to do this is by including a share button on all your emails. This makes it super convenient for your subscribers to forward your emails to friends and family. But you can even take it a step further by offering incentives for referrals.

For example, The Hustle would send gifts like hats or sweatshirts to people who referred three new subscribers. While you don’t have to send clothing to people who take advantage of your referral program, you can offer discounts for your services or products.

It doesn’t end when they click “Subscribe”

Growing an email list isn’t exactly easy. You know the old adage, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” But, it can be simple by trying out these email list growing strategies and seeing what works best for you. Once you find this out, keep doing more of the same!

And listen, the journey doesn’t end when they click “subscribe.”

People want their inboxes clean these days, so if you don’t engage them properly, provide value, and entertain, they’ll unsubscribe or throw your emails in the virtual garbage (harsh, I know!).

But, don’t worry, I’ll be giving out plenty of tips on how to properly engage and sell to your audience via email. Soooo…

You knew this was coming!

Subscribe to my newsletter for tips on how to do just that!


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